About Us

Land Rail Safaris

Land Rail Safaris is a fully fledged tour company registered and operating under the Ministry of Tourism with our head office in Nairobi Kenya.We are also represented on Safari Bookings ,Tourist link also safari Deal bk-1024x683 Travel With Us We offer wide range of tour packages ranging from Budget Day Trip, Budget Short Safaris, Budget group joining Camping Safaris as well as Private safaris,Lodges Safaris, Luxury Lodges Safaris & Climbing Safaris. We also offer prompt Budget and Luxurious Tailor-Made packages depending on the clients taste and preference. Vision & Mission Our ultimate objective as Land Rail Safaris is the provision of world class services to our clientèle from different parts of the world without any favour. Giving our clients services that exceeds their expectations has always been one of our core value/ priority.